Successful Affiliate Marketing: Recognizing Battles and Wars |
One of the most important talents a successful affiliate marketer can develop is the ability to recognize when it is time to surrender. No, not to give up on the business of affiliate marketing! We are referring, instead, to understanding when to abandon a certain strategy in favor of another.
This can often be a difficult process. We become almost emotionally invested in our ideas and decisions. As our own bosses, we are the ones responsible for ever decision and it can be hard to admit miscalculation or error. Regardless of how hard it may be, it is something that must be done. A professional affiliate marketer understands that battles will be lost even though the war will be won.
This differentiation will occur many times during the career of an affiliate marketer. It could come into play as you recognize that a particular product just isn't selling no matter what tact you take. How important is that product to your business? Is it possible that abandoning it outright (despite its wonderful commission structure) would be a better idea than continuing to struggle?
It's possible that program is your war, if your business' future depends on it to a substantial extent. However, it is far more likely that you are fighting a battle and it just might be a losing battle. You will have to decide at what point you are willing to pack it in and retreat if you cannot find a way to victory. That can be a difficult decision, as it requires a level of detachment and objectivity from something to which you may be very close.
Even losing smaller battles can be hard for some marketers. Competitive by nature, they want to succeed at every possible turn. An ongoing feud with a competitor or a customer service issue with someone you do business with may turn into an inefficient waste of time. It requires a certain level of perspective to simply let those issues fade away so that attention can be placed upon the kinds of decisions that will make a far bigger impact on the future.
There are a few things every successful affiliate marketer must have. One is the conviction that he or she can and will make good decisions and will see them through. Another is a tenacious spirit that is willing to stand up to virtually any talent. Those two admirable traits, however, can cloud the distinction between battle and war, at times.
Affiliate marketers must learn to differentiate and to act accordingly. The strengths that make them forces with which to be reckoned can also make them their own worst enemy when they are unwilling to yield a small matter for the sake of the greater good. All marketers should remember that one can lose many battles on the way to winning a major war.
David Cooper is the editor of the Affiliate Marketing Articles Newsletter. David specializes in helping affiliate marketers understand that even the most successful affiliate marketers may lose some battles on the way to winning the affiliate marketing war. Subscribe to his FREE newsletter at: http://www.affiliatemarketingarticles.com
posted @ 7:38 PM  |