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Many affiliates suffer from sales or rather the lack of it. They are unwilling or simply cannot afford to invest in high quality traffic advertising like adwords. Fret not! You can have super high quality traffic at zero advertising costs!
I am going to list down 3 ways in which you can get great streams of quality traffic at no costs at all. This will help you immensely
Free quality traffic stream #1 What are you reading now? Why an article of course! This is one of the greatest and most targeted ways of getting traffic. I would even go a step further and say that it is better then Adwords. Because it is free and because you would not have a problem with click fraud!
What you should do is first get a free website and set it to redirect to your affiliate link. Next pump out at least 3 articles a day submitting to at least 5 directories for a month. All these 3 articles should be on the same topic promoting the same product. The results and sales you will get at the end of the month will astonish you. Try it.
Free quality traffic stream #2 Create a blog specifically on the niche or topic you want to promote. This is a great mouthpiece for your product. You get organic search traffic from the major search engines and traffic from search engine is pure gold. What you need to do is to get high quality content to be posted in your blog. Remember the articles you written earlier? Post them here! You can even earn Adsense income by doing this! This is a great cash generator.
Free quality traffic stream #3 Forum posting. This has to been one of the least utilized methods of getting traffic simply because it seems to be such a hassle and a chore posting comments in forums. You do realize nothing ventured nothing gained. There is no other ways of doing it except by posting valuable comments or opinions. The amount of one way back links you get are huge and you can gain credibility in that community. Just do not spam though, it is akin to suicide.
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Join Dylan's affiliate army! He has just come out with "Clickbank Profit Machine" and it is a powerful package. Check out the affiliates' area at http://www.clickbankprofitmachine.com/affiliates.htm |
posted @ 1:12 PM  |